Mother's Day

Mother's Day

Monday, November 2, 2009

Chance 7 1/2

So my baby is not a baby anymore. He has his first loose tooth! This is just crazy! He's a smart kid who loves to invent things. He even draws up blueprints for his inventions. He builds things out of random things he finds in the garage, out of knex, legos, marble maze and anything else he can get his hands on. He is SO HONEST! He tells on himself. It's so funny.

Homeschooling is going so great. I love being able to write that! Chance really likes Sonlight. He begs for the read alouds. I can see progress in his math skills. And we are now doing Sing, Spell, Read, and Write. He LOVES it!!! I was worried about how he would take it because it's a lot of work. But no he begs to do it. In fact today after doing his math, history, and literature he asked if he could go outside. I told him sure if he would make a deal with me. If I let him go out than we would have to do his reading when he came back in and it would probably be dark outside when he came back in. Told him if we did this than he couldn't complain about coming in. He looked at me SO serious and told me he would never complain, that he LIKES doing the program. I was floating on air! He gets sad sometimes on the weekends that has no school. After looking through the program that is a combo Kindergarten/ 1st grade I decided to jump in with the first grade work. He's flying, so exciting. At the begining of this school year I was concerned that we were so far behind. I thought we didn't do enough last year(his kindergarten yr) and I was kicking myself for it. Turns out when you child is ready things really do just start clicking just like all the books said.

For Halloween Chance was Optimums Prime. Keith surprised him with a costume. He bought it too small to fit over a snowsuit so this year we had to do our trick-or-treating at the mall. That was fine. Last year he wasn't home for Halloween, he went with my In-laws to visit his cousins. So having him home was even more special. He did a great job cleaning out his pumpkin, really didn't need any mom help at the end, I was impressed.

Chance has been talking about Jesus a lot lately is the sweetest ways. He was at the library the other day and there was a boy who wanted to play with the legos in his area. He wanted the space to himself. The boys mother asked if Chance could let him play with him. Chance then said. Well Jesus would want me to share. So yes he can play. Another time we finished playing his reading games. Chance won both games so he was in line to get 2 prizes from the treasure box(things like stickers in there). Braxton was sad he wasn't getting a prize. I told Chance how happy it would make Braxton if he would let him have the 2nd prize. That Braxton was sad. Chance asked if Jesus would like it if he shared. I told him yes but that this was his choice. His face got bright and he told Braxton he could have the prize. It was so sweet! Chance is becoming a fine young boy.

Another thing of recent happenings has been something sad. My brother Chance and his fiance broke up. Lauren the fiance has a little boy Landon that my boys thought of as a cousin already. The boys were very upset when I explained to them that Landon wouldn't be around anymore. I explained the best I could what breaking up was. They wanted to know if they would ever see Landon again, I told them no. Chance struggled with this. Chance had also seen me watching a show on the computer where there is a divorced couple. So over the weekend he came to me and asked if our family would ever break up. Poor kid! I promised him that would never happen. That mom and dad love each other very much and that we were sealed in the temple and we were a forever family. We are LDS, temple sealings are a part of our faith. I gave him a big hug and he felt better, just needed some reassurance.

To end I will tell you about my little geraphobe. The kid is nuts about germs. 2 weeks ago Braxton had a cough. Chance was so concerned that Braxton had sick germs that he baricaded himself in a fort. He is washing his hands a lot. He is so parinoid. So Keith decided to pick on him. The other day he gave Chance a bowl of chips and he licked some of the outside edge of the bowl!!! Chance about died but hey he still took the chips. I guess somethings are more important than germs. I am trying to work with Chance to help him relax about germs a little. My reason is my future daughter-in-law. I can't imagine what it would be like to live with a germaphobe, it would drive a person nuts! So yeah we are working on it. That said today we took Onaleigh in for her 9mo check-up. I totally took advantage of Chance's phobia. So many sick people at the clinic! We brought our own books and things and I had my bottle of hand sanitizer out anytime we touched anything. I pretty much acted like everyone had the plague. No we didn't wear masks, but the thought did cross my mind. To be honest I didn't want to touch the face masks knowing people with the flu had touched those boxes.


Sarah said...

I wanna see the costumes! especially the bat. I love your description. Way to be creative!

A Place To Dream said...

I posted a Halloween album to my facebk page. Loads of pics there!

Valerie said...

I saw a comment you left on Modern Molly Mormon and followed your link here. You have a cute family!