Braxton is such a fun kid! For Halloween he decided he wanted to be a bat. I have no idea why, maybe he got the idea from Magic School Bus. Had to make his costume. So I bought him a black coat, pants, and shirt. Some black polar fleece and black cat ears. Halloween was a busy day to say the least. Keith was working from home so he was here but busy. I carved pumpkins with the boys and then I tried to work on his costume. But of course I couldn't find my sewing kit when I needed it. Eventually after getting frustrated I came up with a plan. I would cut out the wings and then on the way to the mall we would pick up a sewing kit at Walgreen's. So I ran and gave Onaleigh her bath and then got to work. I had no pins to cold it together so I grabed clothes pins off the line and measured and cut them. I also took chalk to color on the boning you see on bat wings. Got us all dressed, Keith finished work and off we went. I found it funny to be sewing his costume in the parking lot at the mall but hey it worked! Braxton was thrilled about his costume and the great part of it is besides the ears the rest of the costume is all clothes he can wear. I just did a slip stitch on the wings so they will come off really easy and then we have a spring coat. Rock on.
When I had the Nutritional Response testing done on Onaleigh I had Braxton done at the same time. His results really surprised me. His big stressors are not food but instead preservatives, pesticides, and formaldehyde. Those are probably because of vaccinations(he is fully vaxed except the FLU shot). I ordered 2 inexpensive vitamins that are supposed to help his body ride himself of them. The hope is that one he gets this taken care off that he will stop wetting the bed. I sure hope so. Braxton potty trained at 21months. Chance didn't like going to the bathroom by himself so he would bring Braxton with him. And before I knew it he was potty trained way before I was ready! LOL.
Braxton tags along while I homeschool Chance. I ask Chance questions and Braxton loves to answer before his big brother can. It's funny. He really wants to do school too so I give him some spare workbooks we have. That makes him feel a part of things. He also plays our games from Chance's reading program with us. I'm not officially doing school with him but he is catching on just from being near us. We'll keep going like this with him for this year, real relaxed. He amazes me everyday with what he knows just from being there.
Braxton reminds me of pig pen from Charlie Brown. He is full of energy and loves to wrestle. When he gives you a hug he presses his cheek to yours. He is easily distracted, I swear his brain falls out every so often. It's part of his charm. I love the way he talks, laughs and gets so serious. He's my little boy!
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