So some updates!
Chance is now 8years old and having a good school year. Things seem to be clicking a lot more for him. He was baptised this past September and recieved the gift of the Holy Ghost. This seems to have had a very big effect on him. In his blessing it was said he would go on a mission one day. As each day passes I can see that in him more and more. He's very spiritual in all aspects of his life. He is a passionate kid. When he gets evcited about a topic he talks with his hands to make points. It hits me at these moments that he is growing up so fast.
Braxton will be turnning 5 this month! Wow. He is such a sweet kid. I need to help him with his self-esteem. Sometimes he can be so hard on himself. He is craving more school time with mom and I know if I can carve more time for that will make a world of a difference. Over the summer he went to speech camp at the local collage. And then this Fall he went again. He's been working on his s blends such as sp,st,sc/sk. He was going 2 times a week for an hour each and he LOVED it. I think having someones undivided atention means a lot esspecialy to a middle child. This last session is done and it will be 2months before the next session starts. So we will have to contimue to work on those s blends at home. He is very into his superheros right now. His 2 favorites are Batman and Spiderman. He says things sometimes that make me really pause and be in the moment. When he smiles it with his whole being.
Onaleigh will be 2 in a little over a month. And wow is she acting it, lol. He climbs a lot. Pushes chairs up to the counters to reach more trouble. No purse is safe! We pull her down or turn her away from one things she goes straight to another bit of trouble. Some of her words are POOP, mom, Chance, stop, bow(that's her word for dog), Dad(once in a great while). She will sometimes repeat words I say but I can't pick them out unless we are playing repeat. One of those words is Braxton. She and our dog Molly have a special bond. Molly will let Onaleigh snuggle her and she won't run.
Keith is working very hard at work. And also at home. He has been doing Chance's Math program with him in the evenings. Chance is loving it and I think Keith is feeling good about it too. I think eventully he will give this job to me. But he's getting more into our schooling. I can tell he feels good about it.
I have a new, old hobby. I got a Kindle for my Birthday. I used to read all the time but for awhile there I let the Internet take up the time I used to spend reading. It's great to get back into books Now. I'm averaging a book a week. I finnaly read Gone With The Wind, that's a book that has been on my want to read list for 15years now! Also been reading Wizard Of Oz books to the kids from the kindle. Currently I am reading "Simplicity Parenting". Looking forward to really getting into it, just started the book yesterday.
I was going to write more but I'm getting tired(it's 11:30pm). But I'll be back another day!
1 comment:
I can so relate. :) Keep it up mama!
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