So today I got bored and I finally tackled cleaning and organizing my linen closet. I swear it has been nasty for over a year. Things fell out when you opened the door. Door wouldn't even close most of the time. I had so much crap in there that the towels didn't even fit in there, so I put them in the top of the boys closet. Icould never find anything in there except maybe toilet paper. So I did it, finally tackled the project. It looks so great and so does the above the toilet cabinet(doing both gave me places to put things). And you know why I feel annoyed? I should be happy I did it, that it looks great. Instead I'm peeved at myself for not doing it sooner. Peeved at all the stuff I kept still after throwing so much out. It wasn't that hard! Flylady would tell me she absolves me of all my guilt for not doing it sooner. You are not behind, jump in where you are. I really need to listen to her. Already typing this out is helping. All I can say is thank-you flylady for being that voice in my head that talks me back up.
Eventually when I'm up to it I'll declutter some of the things I kept that I don't need or use. Like hair care products that I don't use and all that scented stuff that gives me a headache. But until I'm ready for that I'm determined to feel good about what I did do. I gave myself less frustration, I gave myself back a linen closet. I am going to tell this guilt to shove it!
Flylady is a lady that helps you organize your home. Her help is free. You can learn all you want from her website If that doesn't do it for you you can listen to her on And if all that is not for you try her book, check it out from the library if you want. Sink Reflections by Marla Cilley(aka flylady). But I bet after reading it you'll be off buying it for yourself!
I love flylady!! You are awesome! So proud of you for tackling such a big project. You will be my motivation for this week. I need to tackle my linen closet too but I'm scared. hehe! Great job!
at least you got it finished! great job! I started cleaning out my bedroom closet and got everything out of my closet onto my bedroom floor. I have boxes full of things to give away and things that just need to be thrown away (socks with holes etc) and now it is all still in boxes and piles on my floor, has been since Friday... I'm guessing I will finally get around to finish it on Saturday! So good job! -naomianne2 from cafemom
Hey! Good for you! Yes, I've heard of flylady, but I can't follow them. I never could. It's like I gotta find it for myself!! By the way, cute picture in the snow of your little one!
Flylady is Wonder Woman! That reminds me.. I need to visit her again...
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