Mother's Day

Mother's Day

Thursday, March 12, 2009

Diet change for my family

Braxton has had this rash for 2weeks now. His arms and legs have these little red dots. Then this morning I noticed he now has 2 red pimple looking things on his face. He has been scratching himself to the point that he now has scabs. This rash I think started the same time that he started eating bread all day(we went through 3 loaves last week and ran out before the week was finished), he eats it plain. So I've come the conclusion that I think he is developing eczema. I have wanted to try taking my family gluten free but I was holding back because it well sounds like a lot of work. We are already dairy free and now going off wheat that makes food hard. This is a major diet change to accommodate while having a new baby in the house. Means making food from scratch when we are having a hard time right now getting the convenience food on the table. I have to say this sucks. I am trying to figure out what to put on the grocery list for next week. I started looking for recipes online when I remembered one of my favorite websites I went on there to look up recipes and wow there are so many that are dairy, nut and gluten free. Wish I would have remembered that website when people were asking me what foods they could bring us after Onaleigh was born. Oh well.

My messy house is driving me crazy. It makes me feel so scattered. I'm overwhelmed by it. I can't live this way anymore. We have started back up with homeschooling. It has made my moods improve getting back into it. We now need routine desperately in our day. It's the only way we can make all this work. I'm thankful I know about flylady, that will help immensely but it's still a big transition. How do I get over this overwhelmed feeling so I can dig in instead of throwing up my arms in defeat and not doing anything? I need to pray to Heavenly Father to help me with all this.


Unknown said...

Hi Lynette,

I feel your pain. When I changed my diet after Silas was born, it was hard and it was only me, not Russ and Mason. But it is doable. There is bread you can have; look in the gluten free freezer section at the gorcery store. There are rice and nut breads. They are really good, but very dense. Not sandwich making material, really. More of open-faced type things. But you can still have PBJ, egg or tuna salad, or whatever on toast, just use one piece instead of two. I eat a lot of potatoes, diced up and coated in coconut or olive oil and baked, or cut like french fries. I use brown rice pasta for all pasta things, and brown rice, millet, and wild rice. And lots of eggs. Poached, scrambled, hard-boiled, omelletes, fried. I even found brown rice tortillas at Festival. They don't stay together very well when I use them for burritos or tacos, but I've found that I can make them into quesadillas pretty well. Just put some beans or meat or eggs and veggies and fry in some oil on the stove, or put the filling in the middle and fold in half and bake at 400 for about 8 minutes. Then cut them up in triangles or strips. That works well. Rice crackers are available; usually the rice and sesame kind are free of gluten and dairy. Really, you've got rice, beans, meat, and veggies to max out on. And eggs. I'll let you know what else I think of. Good luck. It's a huge change and it's bad timing, but you can get through it. Have faith. Onaleigh is gorgeous. -Rebecca

Erica said...

Hugs to you. We don't eat much bread, but if we do, it's bought from a local bakery, where they grind their own stuff fresh. You can make sandwiches in collard green wraps. I used to make those all the time. The green really is great to use. You can use lettuce too. We do eat dairy, but it's all raw and from the farm up the street. I wouldn't drink milk from the store. YUCK! I make yogurt each week...I don't drink milk myself, but I do enjoy yogurt and raw milk cheese.

Hugs to you!

Duane & Patricia said...

Beautiful children. Glad to see you having a midwife and the baby at home. As far as your childs problems with what you think may be wheat, may I make a suggestion? I couldn't understand all the problems I was having until I came across Wow! They explained alot. They have a special section on childrens' health, womens, and mens. I guarantee you will be surprised. This is based on 80 years of observations at least. To second what Erica was saying, my psoriasis disappeared after a few months of drinking raw milk. Pasteurized milk has both good and bad bugs killed, so if something bad gets in it there is nothing to stop it. Pasteurized milk doesn't sour, it turns putrid. Raw milk turns sour which is great in biscuits and pancakes, making mozzerella, ricotta, etc. Pasteurized milk contains synthetic vitamin A & D. These your body cannot use--hence skin problems. Check it out--the government doesn't just lie about war and the economy. Money talks at the Health Dept too. God bless your little family

April said...

I'm finding that cutting out wheat and gluten is not as hard as I thought. I just plan out meals, look at what I usually make that might have wheat or gluten and ask "what can I substitute?" I like the tip from your friend on collard greens for making sandwiches, I was just rolling sliced meat like a tube and putting a toothpick to make it more interesting to the kids.

But I'm a big believer in the word of wisdom, and it says "Wheat for man." BUT it does not say processed wheat, or baked wheat products, etc. We process things too much. I'm focusing more on how things are supposed to grow on the earth Heavenly Father made. And how I would use it if I grew it myself. So if I grew my own wheat, I would grind it myself appearantly too, and use it fresh before it turned rancid. Even unbleached flour is pasturized to prevent salmonella. So I am getting back to how we start feeding our children as infants- first fruits, then vegetables, then grains like barely, oats, and brown rice. Gradually we'll get back to using wheat as we observe for allergies appearing, but we'll use stone ground or buy cracked wheat and mill it ourselves. It's an easy cleanse to reset the bowels, and thereby reset the body to get rid of allergies.

You should look for "Just what is the Word of Wisdom" by Dr. John R. Christopher, my favorite guy!