So today I got bored and I finally tackled cleaning and organizing my linen closet. I swear it has been nasty for over a year. Things fell out when you opened the door. Door wouldn't even close most of the time. I had so much crap in there that the towels didn't even fit in there, so I put them in the top of the boys closet. Icould never find anything in there except maybe toilet paper. So I did it, finally tackled the project. It looks so great and so does the above the toilet cabinet(doing both gave me places to put things). And you know why I feel annoyed? I should be happy I did it, that it looks great. Instead I'm peeved at myself for not doing it sooner. Peeved at all the stuff I kept still after throwing so much out. It wasn't that hard! Flylady would tell me she absolves me of all my guilt for not doing it sooner. You are not behind, jump in where you are. I really need to listen to her. Already typing this out is helping. All I can say is thank-you flylady for being that voice in my head that talks me back up.
Eventually when I'm up to it I'll declutter some of the things I kept that I don't need or use. Like hair care products that I don't use and all that scented stuff that gives me a headache. But until I'm ready for that I'm determined to feel good about what I did do. I gave myself less frustration, I gave myself back a linen closet. I am going to tell this guilt to shove it!
Flylady is a lady that helps you organize your home. Her help is free. You can learn all you want from her website If that doesn't do it for you you can listen to her on And if all that is not for you try her book, check it out from the library if you want. Sink Reflections by Marla Cilley(aka flylady). But I bet after reading it you'll be off buying it for yourself!
Mother's Day
Sunday, November 30, 2008
Little Boys and the Dishwasher
Here are 2 short video clips of my boys unloading the dishwasher. They think they are so cool when they can help. I think it's so cute, just had to capture it. Chance age 6 and Braxton soon to be 3.
Wednesday, November 26, 2008
weird quiz that is right on! neat

Your result for Are You a Jackie or a Marilyn? Or Someone Else? Mad Men-era Female Icon Quiz ...
You Are an Audrey!
You Are an Audrey!
You are an Audrey -- "I am at peace"
Audreys are receptive, good-natured, and supportive. They seek union with others and the world around them.
How to Get Along with Me
* If you want me to do something, how you ask is important. I especially don't like expectations or pressure
* I like to listen and to be of service, but don't take advantage of this
* Listen until I finish speaking, even though I meander a bit
* Give me time to finish things and make decisions. It's OK to nudge me gently and nonjudgmentally
* Ask me questions to help me get clear
* Tell me when you like how I look. I'm not averse to flattery
* Hug me, show physical affection. It opens me up to my feelings
* I like a good discussion but not a confrontation
* Let me know you like what I've done or said
* Laugh with me and share in my enjoyment of life
What I Like About Being an Audrey
* being nonjudgmental and accepting
* caring for and being concerned about others
* being able to relax and have a good time
* knowing that most people enjoy my company; I'm easy to be around
* my ability to see many different sides of an issue and to be a good mediator and facilitator
* my heightened awareness of sensations, aesthetics, and the here and now
* being able to go with the flow and feel one with the universe
What's Hard About Being an Audrey
* being judged and misunderstood for being placid and/or indecisive
* being critical of myself for lacking initiative and discipline
* being too sensitive to criticism; taking every raised eyebrow and twitch of the mouth personally
* being confused about what I really want
* caring too much about what others will think of me
* not being listened to or taken seriously
Audreys as Children Often
* feel ignored and that their wants, opinions, and feelings are unimportant
* tune out a lot, especially when others argue
* are "good" children: deny anger or keep it to themselves
Audreys as Parents
* are supportive, kind, and warm
* are sometimes overly permissive or nondirective
Take the quiz yourself at
Friday, November 21, 2008
School Of Rock
Friday night we watched School of Rock. When it was over I suggested the boys dance. It turned into a show. Funny little boys! Forgive my odd giggles!
Wednesday, November 12, 2008
Somehow it will all work out. It'll just take time. Thanksgiving is coming up, thank goodness we already have a turkey(free from DH's work). Now comes all the trimmings. How much will all that cost. Next comes Braxton's birthday. What to get him? I really don't know, I'm so sick of toys. But will it be disappointing if all I get him is books? Recently I went to a really great homeschool seminar with DH. She gave us some great book lists, so many of them I would love to own. Braxton is turning 3 so I might get away with it. Next is Christmas, which is going to be so small this year. The trouble with it is Chance my oldest is 6 and I'm afraid he'll be disappointed if we don't really get toys. Again I would love to get books. Ahh a dream would be a nice new bookcase too. And now for the reason Christmas money is tighter than usual. Our 3rd child is due Jan 13th 2009. I may go 2 wks early(I did with my first 2 children), exciting. We have gotten credit cards to pay for the birth and prenatal care. You see I will be having a homebirth. My sweet husband has been selling plasma to pay those new credit card payments. After the birth insurance will hopefully reinverse for some of it. Crossing our fingers! Normally he finds a little extra money in the budget to help me buy for Christmas but this year that money is just not there. Currently I am feeling this strong urge to get the house in order for baby. That means I really need a dresser to start unpacking baby clothes. Wish I had the money to go buy that dresser now! We have all boy clothes so if we have a girl(we don't know), I'm hoping for friends and family to buy us some pink. Please no polyester, my children tend to be allergic to it. I want a Moby baby wrap. I also need a new glider rocker. We haven't been able to get a nice one with either of our boys so they break before the next child is born. I have to be honest I blame my husband(DH) for the breaking chairs. He's hard on furniture. Something about the way he sits or something. You should see my poor kitchen chairs(I'm down to 3, he breaks them). I really should reread Living Simply with Children, by Marie Sherlock for some inspiration. I think I would be fine about everything if I could just get that dresser and glider. My husband is going to talk to his parents about borrowing one of their older glider chairs for until tax returns come so we can wait on that purchase. I would love to get started buying some cloth diapers. Not sure if I like how this blog is coming out. Sounds materialistic. So I'm just going to end it this way. Stuff is just that, stuff. It really will work out. The Lord will provide. I'll turn my worries over to him. That felt good to get out.
After the holidays are over I'm hopeing to be able to save some money up to buy a few things for our little homeschool. A math program and a reading program.
UPDATE... 11/27/08
we got the dresser! Walmart had a great deal and we ate a lot of sandwiches for a wk to save on food. Thanksgiving worked out, plenty of food. New issues that we are working through, our washer is broke. It agitates but doesn't spin. Hope we can work this out. Worried about getting the midwife paid in 2 wks. We still have a lot to pay. But hey an update to an update. DH just said we have a credit card coming in the mail this wk. Don't know what the limit will be till it comes. We will be using that to pay midwife bill. Hope it's enough to pay the bill. Stinky thing is I am the one who has to pay the monthly payments till we get some of the other credit cards paid down. When I say I have to pay it means it comes out of my weekly household budget, not the house bills budget. POOH! We are not fans of credit cards but we did it to get the birth that is so very important to me. We would normally go without before using one. Hope the insurance reinverses quickly after the birth and hope that tax returns will get them paid off. We got an old glider from my inlaws to borrow till we can get a new one. It squeaks but it will work for now. New maybe problem. Molly(our dog) had 2 potty accidents in her crate today. This is VERY unusual for her so we will be calling the vet in the am. And a final bit of news... Monday I will be 34wks. With my first 2 children I delivered at 38 wks, so if we go with that only 4wks left come Monday! WOW! I'm excited.
After the holidays are over I'm hopeing to be able to save some money up to buy a few things for our little homeschool. A math program and a reading program.
UPDATE... 11/27/08
we got the dresser! Walmart had a great deal and we ate a lot of sandwiches for a wk to save on food. Thanksgiving worked out, plenty of food. New issues that we are working through, our washer is broke. It agitates but doesn't spin. Hope we can work this out. Worried about getting the midwife paid in 2 wks. We still have a lot to pay. But hey an update to an update. DH just said we have a credit card coming in the mail this wk. Don't know what the limit will be till it comes. We will be using that to pay midwife bill. Hope it's enough to pay the bill. Stinky thing is I am the one who has to pay the monthly payments till we get some of the other credit cards paid down. When I say I have to pay it means it comes out of my weekly household budget, not the house bills budget. POOH! We are not fans of credit cards but we did it to get the birth that is so very important to me. We would normally go without before using one. Hope the insurance reinverses quickly after the birth and hope that tax returns will get them paid off. We got an old glider from my inlaws to borrow till we can get a new one. It squeaks but it will work for now. New maybe problem. Molly(our dog) had 2 potty accidents in her crate today. This is VERY unusual for her so we will be calling the vet in the am. And a final bit of news... Monday I will be 34wks. With my first 2 children I delivered at 38 wks, so if we go with that only 4wks left come Monday! WOW! I'm excited.
too many blogs
Seriously I have too many blogs. And too many online networking things. It all started with Myspace, then, then cafemom, then facebook, twitter, and blogspot too. We won't even talk about my yahoo groups. I should really condense them all at least too a point. Like I could get rid of myhomeschool place and do that on blog spot. You know how on online forums they have a PIOG-Posted in Other groups, I have one of my own PIOB Posted in other blogs. I tend to just copy and paste most of my blogs around. There are certain things for certain places though. Like on cafemom I vent about whatever I want because I have no family on there that I could offend or worry. Myspace is where I tend to upload the most pictures. It's easy there, plus I like that I can put them in albums. I really don't have time for all this though. With homeschooling, being a mom, keeping house, and soon a new baby it's all just too much. I need to declutter online the same way I'm doing in my home. It's hard me though, not sure why. Oh and on top of those blogs I also keep 3 handwritten journals. One for each one of my children. I even want to add more of those to my life. A faith/prayers journal would be neat, personal history book, and maybe even just a plain old personal handwritten journal. Why? I Must be crazy. I just needed to get that all out... Seems like kind of a pointless blog moment.
Kids....little turds
Okay do all kid's cut hair around kindergarten age? I want to know! I myself did. What spurred this wondering. My 6yr old, Chance told me yesterday he really wants to cut hair when he's older. One of his very many future aspirations. So he was cutting a craft feather. Fine, that's okay. I did however explain to him he should never cut anyones real hair, or a stuffed animals hair, or even a pets hair. So today we were sitting on the couch cutting out #2's to put on his number 2 poster. I'm sitting right beside him. I turn my head for a sec, look back and he's holding a piece of his hair that he cut. Are you kidding me??? I was sitting right beside him. I tried to be so serious and explain to him why we don't cut hair, all the while I'm just trying to keep a straight face. Because I'm thinking yep this is kindergarten and I did it too at his age, but I did worse damage. Ahh kids.
Oh and another gem from Chance. That kid makes me laugh. He came to me telling me his little brother hurt his "foot fingers". He has insisted that is the correct terminology for toes for as long as I can remember, no matter how many times I tell them they are toes. Kids!
And a little thing about my almost 3yr old, Braxton. My Chance comes running to me telling me his brother is spraying chemicals at him in the bathroom. All I can say is thank goodness I clean with vinegar. I ended up getting sprayed too. Little turd! That's what I get for talking on the phone.
Oh and another gem from Chance. That kid makes me laugh. He came to me telling me his little brother hurt his "foot fingers". He has insisted that is the correct terminology for toes for as long as I can remember, no matter how many times I tell them they are toes. Kids!
And a little thing about my almost 3yr old, Braxton. My Chance comes running to me telling me his brother is spraying chemicals at him in the bathroom. All I can say is thank goodness I clean with vinegar. I ended up getting sprayed too. Little turd! That's what I get for talking on the phone.
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