Chance age 10- loves Star Wars, especially anything clones. If anyone gave him cash he would spend it on more lego star wars kits(he has a big one he is saving up for). This book "Clone Wars Adventures, Vol. 2"is on his list, costs $6.99 on amazon. Cheap dollar tree ideas would be duct tape, bungee cords, Army men
Braxton age 7 is hard to buy for because he just doesn't ask for things! Good problem to have, I know. He has shown interest in those science kits you see everywhere. He likes musical instruments. Any cash given to him he will probably use to buy Star Wars or Monster Legos. Cheap Dollar Tree ideas would be assorted tape, Army men.
Onaleigh age 4 is into fairies right now. It all started with the disney Tinkerbell DVD's that we checked out from the library. At night before she goes to sleep she looks at the fairy books we get from the library, her favorite books are by Cicely Mary Barker(they get the most time in her hands). On amazon I have seen that C.M. Barker has sticker, coloring, and paperdoll books, so those would be good ideas. She loves all things pink and girly. She really likes getting cards in the mail so I think she would enjoy a card making kit. She would also love a Go Fish card deck. She could use some cute hooks to hang her dress-up clothes on. Cheap Dollar Tree ideas would be simple crafts(please NO craftfoam or playdough), jewlery, anything pink. Santa is bringing her How To Find Flower Fairies, Fairyopolis, & Flower Fairy Magical Doors.
Harm age 9mo loves everything that is not meant for him! I prefer wood or cotton toys for him. He likes cars, tipping over things his siblings stack for him, would probably enjoy some nice soft blocks. A ball would also be a great gift for him. Stacking or nesting cups. He is in need of one of those highchairs that strap into a regular kitchen chair or a regular highchair. Used would be fine as long as it has a strap to buckle him in.
Chance and Braxton and even Onaleigh would like a DIY gift like this tent in a bag . All the children seem to take after me and rash from any clothes or bibs that have polyester in the content. All of them love to be outside a neat sled, snowman kit, etc would be fun. They have all been asking for a small shelf beside their bed to keep library books in, I have seen a DIY on how to make them and some are even just made out of spice racks.